Call to fill Standards Committee vacancy
Galwad i lenwi lle gwag yn y Pwyllgor Safonau
A Town or Community Councillor in Pembrokeshire is needed to take up a place on the Committee that promotes and maintains standards for councillors in the county.
The Standards Committee currently has a vacancy for a Town or Community Council member.
The Committee plays an important role, including considering Public Service Ombudsman for Wales reports into alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct.
Any Town or Community Councillor who would be interested is asked to contact Kate Matthews from the Democratic Services team at Pembrokeshire County Council via email: kate.matthews@pembrokeshire.gov.uk
An application form will be sent and must be returned by June 23rd 2023.
It is expected that any shortlisting exercise/interviews will take place in late June 2023.
The new representative would remain on the Standards Committee until the next local government elections in 2027 or until they cease to be a Member