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Mae gwaith yn parhau ar Brosiect Llwybrau Gwyrdd Trafnidiaeth Cymru

07 Nov 2022

Transport for Wales is working closely with station adopters and volunteers from Visit Milford Haven as part of our Adopt a Station and Green Routes Project.

The enhancements at Milford Haven railway station include floral displays that create a route for pollinators, bringing nature to part of our passengers’ journeys.

The work for the station environment encourages biodiversity in the local area. The enhancements include creating new green spaces via the introduction of planters and replacing existing shrubs with plants for improved biodiversity and sensory plants to increase passengers’ well-being.

Hugh Evans, Head of Community Rail, said: “Working in the community with groups like Visit Milford Haven means we can create real opportunities for enhancements on our network, driven by the communities we serve.

Projects like Green Routes are great because they contribute in various ways, from helping combat climate change and increasing biodiversity to building relationships with our communities and neighbours.”

Jayne Hancock from Visit Milford Haven said, “We’re delighted to see the new flower planters at Milford Haven Train Station as an improvement to the visitor welcome. Visit Milford Haven is a volunteer group, dedicated to working together to improve the appeal and experience visitors get in Milford Haven, and this is certainly a welcome addition to one of the main arrival points.

“We are now taking pride in our display, by regularly watering and maintaining the plants and look forward to future developments at the train station.”

Transport for Wales was awarded £100,000 from the Welsh Government’s Local Places for Nature scheme and the National Lottery Heritage Fund to enhance local biodiversity at and near its railway stations.

As part of the Green Routes project, we’re introducing green features at 25 of our stations and in five community areas. Enhancements will include planters and wildlife boxes to boost local biodiversity across the network.

You can read more about our Green Routes project, and other projects in our communities on our website at