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Rebecca Evans

Are you missing out on help with your council tax bill?

Cymorth ar gael i helpu pobl i dalu’r dreth gyngor

If bills are mounting up and you are struggling to make ends meet during the coronavirus crisis, then help could be available to you.

The Welsh Government’s Council Tax Reduction Scheme already supports almost 300,000 low-income households in Wales every year with their council tax bills. But, with many more people facing financial hardship due to the coronavirus crisis, Finance Minister Rebecca Evans is urging everyone to check if they are eligible for help.   

Rebecca Evans said:

“We recognise this is an incredibly challenging time for everyone, with many households across Wales struggling to cope financially due to the effects of Covid-19.

“With many people looking to access financial support for the first time, we need to do all we can to ensure people are aware of the support that  is available.

“Our Welsh Government Council Tax Reduction Scheme already provides support to hundreds of thousands of low-income households across Wales, but we know there are many missing out. I would encourage people to visit our website or talk to their local authority to find out if they could be paying less council tax.”

You may also be entitled to pay less council tax if:

  • You live alone, or with people/children who do not pay council tax
  • You are a student
  • You are disabled
  • You are severely mentally impaired

Councillor Andrew Morgan, WLGA Leader said:

“Councils want to assure all residents that we are here to help. These are exceptional times and we are seeing increases in applications for support right across Wales. If you are having difficulty in paying your council tax please contact your local authority to ensure you are getting all the assistance available.”

Notes to editors

The Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS) is a vital lever that makes council tax more progressive and tackles poverty in Wales.

On 1 April 2013, the CTRS replaced Council Tax Benefit (CTB) in Wales and eligible households were automatically transferred onto the new scheme. The CTRS Regulations are closely linked to the UK benefits system.

The Welsh Government currently provides local authorities with £244m to support them in providing all eligible households with their full entitlement to support in meeting their council tax liability. 

In 2018‑19, the average support provided to households was approximately £940.  All households are encouraged to contact their local authority if they think they could be eligible or to visit our webpages, particularly if they have recently been migrated to or have applied for Universal Credit.