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More than £2.8m to support Mid & West Wales projects

Mwy na £2.8 miliwn i gefnogi prosiectau yng Nghanolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru

The Welsh Government is providing more than £2.8m to accelerate important projects in Mid and South West Wales that will support the region in recovering from the economic impacts of coronavirus.

Each of the six local authorities in the area will receive £380,000 for infrastructure schemes which are aligned with the aims of a more prosperous, equal and green economy as outlined in the Welsh Government’s recently launched Economic Resilience and Reconstruction Mission.

In Ceredigion, the funding will help bring an empty building back into use on Cardigan High Street and support is also being provided to prepare plots for the development and construction of nine business units at Abermule Business Park in Powys.

The construction of the Pendine Attractor Project in Carmarthenshire with year-round visitor destination facilities will be accelerated thanks to the investment and funding will allow the progress of design for a city centre hotel in Swansea as part of the emerging £135m Copr Bay Phase One regeneration scheme.

The refurbishment and development of the Western Quayside in Haverfordwest, together with alterations and reordering of an unoccupied warehouse building and outdoor trading space will take place due to the investment.

Funding is also being provided to enhance the facilities available to residents and visitors alike at Aberavon Seafront by investing in a new ‘Aqua’ themed area of leisure and public space.

The £2.28m in total for the six projects will create important job opportunities in the region.

In addition, each local authority is receiving £100,000 to improve and encourage innovation in IoT (Internet of Things) such as smart street lights, footfall counting, environmental monitoring, and smart waste management.

Economy Minister Ken Skates said: “I am delighted that Welsh Government funding will accelerate the delivery of important infrastructure projects in Mid and South West Wales.

“This past year has placed incredible pressures on our businesses and economy, but today’s news will be a boost to the area and the firms and residents that will benefit.

“Our Economic Resilience and Reconstruction Mission aims to rebuild the Welsh economy so that it is more prosperous, fair and green than ever before and these projects truly support that vision.

“I am also pleased we are investing in improving technology in the region. The pandemic has really shown us the power and importance of digital in how we live and work.

“We are committed to supporting businesses and communities throughout Wales as we aim to return to the economic growth we were seeing before the pandemic and today’s news is a clear demonstration of that.”