United Automobile Workers

Oct 11 2023

U.S. Sen. Jacky Rosen Joining UAW Strikers Today on Picket Line in Reno

RENO, Nev. – Today, U.S. Sen. Jacky Rosen is standing with UAW members on strike at the General Motors parts distribution center in Reno. Sen. Rosen will meet with the UAW strikers on the picket line at 3:30 p.m.

WHAT:       U.S. Sen. Jacky Rosen Stands with UAW Members on Strike
WHEN:      Today, Oct. 11 at 3:30 p.m. PT
WHERE:    GM Reno Parts Distribution Center, 6565 Echo Ave., Reno, NV 89506

On picket lines across America, UAW members are standing up for an economy that rewards every worker for the value they create. Americans from all walks of life are standing with them. Last month, U.S. President Joe Biden became the first sitting president ever to join striking workers on a picket line when he visited UAW strikers at a GM parts distribution center in Wayne County, Mich. much like the Reno facility.

Recent polling finds that support for UAW members has been growing since the strike against the Big Three began on Sept. 15.

- A Gallup poll conducted in August showed that 75% of the public sided with union members against the companies.

- A poll from late September by Navigator Research found that 78% of Americans back the UAW.

Ford, General Motors and Stellantis made a quarter-trillion dollars in North American profits over the last decade. They made $21 billion in total profits in just the first six months of this year. Over the last four years, average CEO pay at the Big Three jumped 40%, but UAW members got raises of only 6%.

The Stand Up Strike is a new approach to striking. Instead of striking all plants all at once, select locals have been called on to “Stand Up” and walk out on strike. When an automaker fails to make substantial progress in negotiations toward a fair contract, more locals are called on to Stand Up and join the strike.

The strike began on Sept. 15 with UAW local members walking out at three assembly plants in Michigan, Missouri and Ohio.

On Sept. 22, the union expanded the strike to include the Reno parts distribution center (PDC) and 37 other GM and Stellantis PDCs across the country. On Sept. 29, the strike expanded to two more assembly plants, and it now includes 25,000 UAW members at 43 Big Three facilities in 21 states.

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Contact Information

Jonah Furman

Feldman Strategies, team@feldmanstrategies.com