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Buddsoddi mwy nag erioed yn golygu cynnydd o 15% mewn lleoedd hyfforddi i weithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol, fel rhan o’r ymateb i’r pandemig

Record level of investment sees 15% increase in training places for healthcare professionals in Wales to help support pandemic response

Bydd dros £260m, sef lefel ddigynsail o gyllid, yn cael ei fuddsoddi mewn hyfforddi gweithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol yng Nghymru er mwyn helpu’r GIG i ymateb i’r pandemig a heriau’r dyfodol.

Bydd y buddsoddiad ar gyfer 2022/23, sef cynnydd o 15% ers 2021/22, yn golygu bod y nifer uchaf erioed o gyfleoedd hyfforddi ar gael yng Nghymru.

Hon fydd yr wythfed flwyddyn yn olynol o gynyddu cyllid ar gyfer addysg a hyfforddiant i weithwyr iechyd proffesiynol yng Nghymru.

Bydd y lleoedd hyfforddi ychwanegol yn gwella capasiti’r gweithlu er mwyn helpu’r GIG i ymateb i heriau’r dyfodol.

Bydd y cyllid yn mynd tuag at leoedd hyfforddi i anesthetwyr ac oncolegwyr, a hefyd y rheini sy’n gweithio ym maes gofal dwys, meddygaeth frys, meddygaeth acíwt, meddygaeth liniarol, a maes seiciatreg.

Daw hyn wrth i fwy o bobl nag erioed yn ei hanes weithio yn y GIG, gyda’r nod o atal salwch a darparu gofal i aelodau pob cymuned yng Nghymru.

Mae’r cyllid ychwanegol yn cynnwys £18m ar gyfer rhaglenni addysg a hyfforddiant i weithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol yng Nghymru; £5m yn ychwanegol ar gyfer lleoedd hyfforddiant meddygol, bron £8m i gynnal y niferoedd mewn hyfforddiant meddygon teulu craidd, a chynnydd net o bron £3m ar gyfer hyfforddiant fferylliaeth ar draws Cymru.

Bydd y buddsoddiad yn arwain at gynnydd mewn lleoedd hyfforddiant i weithwyr iechyd proffesiynol a hyfforddiant meddygol yn 2022/23, gan gynnwys:

  • 111 o leoedd Nyrsio Oedolion;
  • 73 o leoedd Nyrsio Iechyd Meddwl;
  • 22 o hyfforddeion radioleg glinigol (20 yn y De a 2 yn y Gogledd);
  • cynnal y targed presennol o dderbyn 160 o feddygon teulu bob blwyddyn, gydag opsiwn i recriwtio hyd at 200 pan fo hynny’n ymarferol.

Yn ystod y pum mlynedd diwethaf, bu cynnydd hefyd o 55.2% mewn lleoedd hyfforddi i nyrsys, ac mae lleoedd i fydwragedd wedi cynyddu 96.8%.

Dywedodd y Gweinidog Iechyd, Eluned Morgan: “Mae’r buddsoddiad hwn, sef yr wythfed flwyddyn yn olynol o gynyddu’r cyllid i leoedd hyfforddi, yn dangos ein hymrwymiad i wella capasiti’r gweithlu yn ein Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol.

“Mae’r pandemig COVID-19 wedi rhoi pwysau enfawr ar ein gwasanaeth iechyd, ac rydyn ni’n hynod falch o’r ffordd mae pawb wedi ymateb er mwyn rhoi gofal i bobl Cymru.

“Mae angen inni barhau i hyfforddi a chryfhau ein gweithlu, er mwyn iddo allu bod yn barod i ymateb i bob math o heriau yn y dyfodol, drwy gryfhau ei allu i wrthsefyll pwysau wrth inni fynd ati i adfer o effeithiau’r pandemig.” 

Dywedodd Prif Weithredwr AaGIC, Alex Howells: “Rydyn ni wrth ein boddau bod y cynllun addysg a hyfforddiant wedi cael y gefnogaeth hon, ac rydyn ni’n edrych ymlaen at weithio gyda’n partneriaid i weithredu’r argymhellion.

“Mae Cymru yn lle gwych i hyfforddi a dysgu, ac rydyn ni’n ddiolchgar iawn i lawer o’r staff ar draws y Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol a’n sefydliadau addysg yng Nghymru am eu cyfraniad gwerthfawr i addysg gweithlu’r dyfodol, a’r cymorth y maent yn ei roi iddynt.”

Nodiadau i olygyddion


NHS Wales Education Commissioning and Training Plan for 2022/23

The following tables show the increase in health professional and medical training places for 2022/23.




% Increase

Adult Nursing




Mental Health Nursing




Learning Difficulties Nursing




BSc. Paramedicine






Increase of 3 Higher Anaesthetics posts.

Intensive Care


Increase of 4 Higher Training Programme posts.

Cancer Care

Clinical Oncology

Increase by 4 additional Higher Training posts implementing year 2 of the proposal to expand by 4 posts per year for 5 years.

Medical Oncology

Increase by 3 additional Higher Training posts implementing year 2 of the proposal to expand by 3 posts per year for 5 years.

Palliative Medicine

To increase Palliative Medicine training posts by 2 posts for August 2022 and a further 2 posts for August 2023.

Small Specialty Review

Community Sexual & Reproductive Health (CSRH)

To temporarily convert one of the Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) posts to CSRH using existing funding to enable an additional appointment into CSRH for 2021 if possible but if not 2022.

To recommend an increase of 2 CSRH posts for August 2022

To explore options for increasing exposure to both CSRH and GUM on the Foundation Programme and for GUM within Internal Medicine.

Oral and

Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS)

To increase the OMFS training programme by 2 posts in August 2022.

Clinical Genetics

To increase the Clinical Genetics Training programme by 2 posts in August 2022. Note - agreement and temporary funding was identified to enable one post to commence in August 2021.

Clinical Neurophysiology

To await the recommendations of the Neurophysiology workforce review. This is considered a fragile and vulnerable training specialty.

Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (CPT)

To retain the 2 posts in CPT and review for 2023. To explore moving one post to North Wales.

To increase exposure to CPT during Internal Medicine training to increase recruitment in the specialty.

Diagnostic Specialties

Medical Microbiology/ Infectious Diseases

Increase of 3 Medical Microbiology/Infectious Diseases posts implementing year 3 of a plan to increase posts every year for 5 years.

Clinical Radiology

To support the recommended expansion as required to appoint 22 trainees for the 2022 intake with 20 in the South and 2 in north Wales.

To create an INR post which will rotate as required to specialist centres in England to enable Welsh trainees to obtain this much needed training.


To increase Histopathology training in North Wales by 1 post for August 2022.

To undertake an urgent review exploring solutions to the training capacity challenges within Histopathology and Paediatrics and Perinatal Pathology to make recommendations to Chief Executives in June 2022.

Mental Health

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

North Wales – to increase by 2 posts for 2022. Note - agreement and temporary funding was identified to enable one of these posts to commence in August 2021 as part of a phased introduction. South Wales – to increase by 2 posts for 2022 and to review further for 2023 once the HEIW review on Mental Health workforce has reported its findings.

Old age psychiatry

To increase by 2 training posts for 2022, 2 for 2023 and a further 2 for 2024. With a review once the HEIW review on Mental Health workforce has reported its findings.

General Adult Psychiatry

To make no changes to the current level of posts on the General Adult Psychiatry programme and to review further for 2023 once the HEIW review on Mental Health workforce has reported its findings.

Forensic Psychiatry


To make no changes to the current level of posts on the Forensic Psychiatry programme and to review further for 2023 once the HEIW review on Mental Health workforce has reported its findings. 

Learning Disabilities


To convert the shared LD/CAMHS post in North Wales to LD thereby increasing the programme by 1 post.  To review further for 2023 once the HEIW review on Mental Health workforce has reported its findings. 

Foundation, Core and Higher Programme Alignment


To increase the number of Foundation Year 1 posts by 30 and Foundation Year 2 posts by 30 for August 2022 as detailed in the Foundation Expansion Business Case.

The Acute Care Common Stem (ACCS) Emergency Medicine

The ACCS Programme is expanded by a further 4 posts for 2022 and a further 2 posts in 2023.  This will complete the development of the Bangor Programme and enable a new Programme in Cardiff to be created to maximise current training capacity. 

The Acute Care Common Stem ACCS Anaesthetics

5 new posts are to be created in Emergency Medicine and Acute Medicine to enable the creation of a ACCS Anaesthetics programmes to support the alignment with Intensive Care Training


Increase of 5 Core Training Programme posts to ensure alignment between Core and Higher programmes and to meet training curriculum and less than full time training (LTFT) requirements going forward.

Internal Medicine

To increase Internal Medicine training by 12 posts for August 2022

Core Psychiatry

To increase Core Psychiatry Training by 8 posts for August 2022.

Additional workforce priority areas

Public Health Medicine


Recruitment into existing training posts is to be maximised and to support this funding for 2 posts is required for 2022 and for 3 posts in 2023.

Work should be undertaken to maximise the current interest in the specialty from Junior Doctors.  This includes the provision of Foundation Training Placements in Public Health Medicine within the Foundation expansion programme


To increase Rheumatology training by 2 posts for August 2022 and a further 2 posts for August 2023.

Gastroenterology – Hepatology Specialist post

To create 1 Hepatology Sub-specialty post for August 2022 with 3 months of this time spent is a specialist centre outside of Wales. 


Increase of 4 ST3 posts to enable the expanded numbers of trainees created in 2020 and 2021 to progress through the training programme and to front-load the programme to maximise %WTE from ST4 onwards. 

General Practice

Maintain the current target of 160 intake per annum, with an option to over-recruit to 200 when feasible